Packt is pleased to announce a new book on extreme Java application testing. Written by Tim Lavers and Lindsay Peters, Swing Extreme Testing is a practical guide to automated software testing for extreme Java programming using Swing GUIs.
Swing was developed to provide a more sophisticated set of GUI components than the earlier Abstract Window Toolkit. Swing is a widget toolkit for Java and it is part of Sun Microsystems' Java Foundation Classes (JFC) -  an Application Programming Interface (API) for providing a graphical user interface (GUI) for Java programs.
This book will teach users how to automatically test user interfaces (Swing GUIs), the help system, internationalization, log files, spreadsheets, email, and web services, how to perform tests involving multiple JVMs, and a host of other things.
This book is a practical guide based on the authors' daily experience developing and maintaining a cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence system. Every chapter comes up with real-life examples and the source code that comes with the book is full of useful (and well-tested) tools.
Swing developers who design and develop complex software for user interfaces will find this book useful. The book is out now and is available with Packt. For more information, please visit:
Packt is pleased to announce a new book on Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) that provides understanding and structure in a fast paced, task driven and tutorial style. Practical Data Analysis and Reporting with BIRT focuses on the most visible and familiar product built with the BIRT framework, which is the BIRT Report Designer. 
BIRT, which stands for Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools, is an Eclipse-based open source software project that provides reporting and business intelligence capabilities for rich client and web applications, especially those based on Java and J2EE. BIRT is in fact a collection of development tools and technologies used for developing reports utilizing the BIRT runtime framework component on an application server. BIRT has two main components: a visual report designer within the Eclipse IDE for creating BIRT Reports, and a runtime component for generating reports that can be deployed to any Java environment.
This book has a fast-paced, task-driven, tutorial style, which provides understanding and structure, not just lists of steps to follow. The focus is on the most visible and familiar product built with the BIRT framework, which is the BIRT Report Designer. The BIRT Report Designer is an Eclipse plug-in that utilizes BIRT technologies to allow users to design reports in the BIRT document format. Also covered is the BIRT charting engine, which lets you add charts to your application.
Java developers who want to get reporting as quickly as possible will find this book useful. The book is published by Packt and is available now. For more information, please visit:
Packt Publishing, the publisher of computer related books, announced the release of its new book OpenCMS 7 Development. 
OpenCms is a professional-level open-source Website Content Management System, based on Java and XML. Many companies or organizations have requirements that go beyond what is available in the standard OpenCms application. Thankfully, OpenCms can be used by Java developers to create sophisticated add-ons and customizations that extend the power of OpenCms in virtually unlimited directions.
Targeting version 7 of OpenCms, this book is for Java developers interested in extending and further customizing OpenCms through its Java API.
Starting by showing how to set up a development environment for OpenCms work, the book moves you through various tasks of increasing complexity. Some of the common tasks covered are building OpenCms, XML asset type development, templating, module development, user and role setup, and search integration. In addition to these common tasks some more advanced topics are covered such as self-registering users, RSS support, developing custom widgets and extending the administrative interface. All the topics include examples and are presented while building a sample blog site.
The book is for Java developers with a basic knowledge of the operations of OpenCms. No previous experience of developing OpenCms is expected.
More information about the book can be found at:
Packt Publishing has published a new book on Java Business Integration, titled, Service Oriented Java Business Integration. 
The book concentrates on leveraging Java Business Integration (JBI) for addressing real world integration problems with examples. Business level integration in Java needs to address integrating multiple flavors of business components including POJO, EJB, Web Services, JMS, etc. The book explains all the above scenarios, using open source Apache ServiceMix as the ESB framework. 
This book discusses:
  • Assemble services and port it across containers using JBI
  • Expose EJB as WSDL compliant service across firewalls
  • Bind remote services onto the ESB to be consumed internally
  • Expose local components in ESB like POJO as WSDL compliant services to be accessible externally.
  • Provide a web service gateway for external consumers
  • Access web services over reliable transport channel like JMS
  • Implement web service versioning using ESB
  • Implement service aggregation at ESB
  • Transactions, Security, Clustering & JMS in ESB
It is aimed at Java developers and integration architects aiming to become proficient with Java Business Integration (JBI) standard, who are expected to have some experience with Java and to have developed and deployed applications in the past, but need no previous knowledge of JBI. The book can also be useful to anyone, who has been having a hard time understanding ESB and how it differs from other architectures and to understand its position in SOA.